Level 2 Certification (100 Hours)

Further Distinguish yourself for your learning and qualification to credibly speak about and teach Yoga Philosophy

If you want to understand advanced research in Biology, Chemistry, or Mathematics, you have to be a Biologist, Chemist or Mathematician. Same goes for Philosophy. If you want to understand advanced research in Philosophy, like the ancient wisdom of Yoga Philosophers, you have to be a Philosopher. What if you aren't any of these and you want to learn? Well then you should learn Biology from a Biologist, and Philosophy from a Philosopher. Due to Western Imperialism, Yoga Philosophy and South Asian philosophy is not given the respect it deserves: instead it is treated as though nonexperts, who are not trained philosophers, can be authorities. Enter Yoga Philosophy. Yoga Philosophy is unusual as it is instruction on yoga and philosophy by a yogi who is a professional philosopher, author of over 50 peer reviewed publications, who specializes in translation, South Asian philosophy, and Yoga. Now students of Yoga Philosophy can earn two levels of certification, either for their own edification, or to set themselves apart as qualified to teach yoga philosophy (including yoga ethics). Yoga Philosophy Certification shows to others that your guidance and teaching on Yoga Philosophy is also informed by such research and expertise. Students who successfully complete certification will also gain Dr. Shyam Ranganathan as a reference for Yoga Philosophy job applications. To earn your Level 2, Yoga Philosophy certification, purchase this qualifying course (for gaining support in the certification process and for testing to complete certification) and complete the four required course that contribute to the 100 hours of training in the Level 2 certification program. Discounts for all four courses and more available to students who enroll in the Level 1 Certification program by joining this course. Dr. Shyam Ranganathan is a scholar of South Asia, translation expert, and professional philosopher. He is a member of the Department of Philosophy at York University in Toronto, and the York Center for Asian Research. He is translator and commentator of Patañjali's Yoga Sūtra (Penguin 2008), editor of The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Ethics, author of Hinduism: A Contemporary Philosophical Investigation (Routledge 2019), and over 50 peer-reviewed, yoga related articles. Shyam is an experienced teacher of students of various degrees of exposure to philosophy and yoga. Shyam holds an MA in South Asian Studies, an MA and PhD in philosophy, and is a CYA-E-RYTGOLD yoga teacher (over 1000 hours training). He founded Yoga Philosophy (yogaphilosophy.com) in 2019 to fill a void of rigorous and research-based knowledge of yoga philosophy in the world of practicing yogis. Yoga Philosophy is a registered yoga school (CYA-RYSGOLD). Yoga Philosophy offers continuing education support for yogis and teacher training programs, and offers a one of a kind teacher training program for teaching yoga philosophy. Course renews every year. Cancel anytime.

Pricing options

Price is for the Level 2 Certification Qualifying Course ONLY, which is the one year enrollment fee. Costs for the four other courses required for certification are not included in this price. However, access to discounts follows enrollment in this course. Enroll in this course first to save on your certification! You may complete the certification in 1 year and avoid renewal by cancelling in time. Membership renews at a discounted rate.

Course curriculum

    1. Navigating This Course

    2. Student Agreement

    3. The purpose of this course

    4. Four Substantive Courses Needed to Qualify for Certification

    1. Assessment Components

    1. Notes and Structure

    1. Discussion Space

    1. How to Read and Understand Philosophy (Bonus)

    2. Race, Ethnicity, Yoga (Bonus)

    3. Yoga and Sanskrit (Bonus)

    4. Yoga Philosophy and the West: Yoga in an Age of Confronting Systemic Discrimination Part 1

    5. Yoga Philosophy and the West: Yoga in an Age of Confronting Systemic Discrimination Part 2

    6. Yoga Philosophy and the West: Yoga in an Age of Confronting Systemic Discrimination Part 3

    7. Yoga Philosophy and the West: Yoga in an Age of Confronting Systemic Discrimination Part 4

    1. Questions

    2. Book a 15 minute appointment to discuss Level 2 Certification

About this course

  • $197.90 first payment, $108.00 / year onwards
  • 27 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content