An intensive, 4 week immersion with Dr. Ranganathan + 1 hour private consultation valued at $200 (30 CE + 2 Bonus Hours, bespoke scheduling, at under $17 an hour) For those Who Want to Implement Yoga in their Material Planning.

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In this 4 week intensive course, students will have close, virtual contact with Dr. Ranganathan as they explore the material in depth. Suitable for students who are not new to philosophy or the material. Students who wish further consultations after the course are eligible for discounts on further one-on-one consultations. Dr. Ranganathan is scholar of South Asia, a professional philosopher, member of the Department of Philosophy at York University in Toronto, and the York Center for Asian Research. He is translator and commentator of Patañjali's Yoga Sūtra (Penguin 2008), editor of The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Ethics, author of Hinduism: A Contemporary Philosophical Investigation (Routledge 2019), author of over 50 peer reviewed, yoga related articles, and experienced teacher of students of various degrees of exposure to philosophy and yoga. Shyam holds an MA in South Asian Studies, an MA and PhD in philosophy, and is a CYA-E-RYTGOLD (over 1000 hours training). Yoga Philosophy is a registered yoga school (CYA-RYSGOLD) and a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP).

Course Curriculum

4 week course ~~ weekly video lectures and online tutorials ~~ continued access after the end

    1. Powers and Yoga: How The Hype Around Yoga Deflects Attention to Its Value

    2. Yoga and Philosophy (Those on the Yoga Philosophy List get this first thing)

    3. Zoom Tutorials

    1. Week 1.1 Introduction to Yoga (Lecture)

    2. Week 1.1 Introduction to Yoga (Lecture)

    3. Week 1.2 A: Early History of Yoga

    4. Week 1.2 A: Early History of Yoga

    5. Week 1.2 B: History of Yoga -- Buddhism

    6. Week 1.2 B: History of Yoga -- Buddhism

    7. Week 1.2 C: History of Yoga -- Yoga

    8. Week 1.2 C: History of Yoga--Yoga

    9. Week 1.3 Introduction to Philosophy (Lecture)

    10. Week 1.3 Introduction to Philosophy

    11. April 8 Tutorial

    1. Week 2.1 Yoga Sūtra Book 1 Samādhi-pāda (Lecture)

    2. Week 2.1 Yoga Sūtra Book 1: Samādhi-pāda (Lecture)

    3. Week 2.2 Yoga Manifestation vs. New Age Theory (Lecture)

    4. Week 2.2 Yoga Manifestation vs. New Age Theory (Presentation)

    5. Week 2.3 Yoga Sūtra Book 2 Sādhana-pāda (Lecture)

    6. Week 2.3 Yoga Sūtra Book 2 Sādhana-pāda (Presentation)

    1. Week 3.1 Yoga Sūtra Book 3: Vibhūti-pāda (Book of Powers) Overview (Lecture)

    2. Week 3.1 Yoga Sūtra Book 3: Vibhūti-pāda (Book of Powers) Overview (Presentation)

    3. Week 3.2 Last Three Limbs of Yoga: Saṃyamaḥ (Lecture)

    4. Week 3.2 Last Three Limbs of Yoga: Saṃyamaḥ (Presentation)

    5. Week 3.3 How Even Traditional Commentaries, like Vyāsa, and Typical "Academia" Get Patañjali Wrong (Lecture)---a detour to Logic and Yoga Sūtra I.2

    6. Week 3.3 How Even Traditional Commentaries like Vyāsa, and Typical "Academia" get Patañjali Wrong

    1. Week 4.1 Yoga Sūtra Book 3 (Vibhūti-pāda), Power and Health (Lecture)

    2. Week 4.1 Yoga Sūtra Book 3 (Vibhūti-pāda), Power and Health (Presentation)

    3. Week 4.2 Power to Freedom (Yoga Sūtra Book III to Book IV)

    4. Week 4.2 Power to Freedom (Yoga Sūtra Book III to Book IV)

    5. Week 4.3 Succeeding at Your Life At Your Own Terms (Book IV)

    6. Week 4.3 Succeeding at Your Life At Your Own Terms (Book IV)

    1. Supporting Your Continued Yoga Philosophy

    2. Yoga Philosophy Streaming

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 11 hours of video content

Tuition includes a life long access to the lecture content, and a weekly tutorial arranged in consideration of student schedules for the four weeks.

Pay once, or in two installments. Prices in USD.