Buck the trend of ignorance: learn how translation works
Join this remarkable course designed for scholars, students and seekers interested in reading and translating the Yoga Sūtra responsibly. (20 CE + 4 Bonus Hours)
Course curriculum
Translation and the Yoga Sūtra
Welcome to the definitive introduction to Translation and the Yoga Sutra. Based on extensive field changing research and curated with practitioners of yoga in mind. Live virtual tutorials and on-demand lectures.
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How to Use the Tutorials In Our Course
In support of enrolled students, students can attended weekly Zoom virtual tutorials. Please register for the dates that you plan on attending.
Zoom Meeting Registration: 5:00 pm ET/ 2:00 pm PT, Thursdays
1. Translation and the Yoga Sūtra (Introduction)
Analytic Views on Translation Part 1: Early Wittgenstein, Logical Positivists, Carnap
Analytic Views on Translation Part 2: Latter Wittgenstein, Quine, the Death of Positivism and Weird Things Yoga Studies People Say
Continental Views on Translation Part 1: Husserl, Heidegger
Continental Views on Translation Part 2: Derrida, Foucault
Description of Husserl and bracketing taken from here:
Functionalism: Firth, Nida, Bassnett

About this course
- $197.00 / 2 months
- 36 lessons
- 15.5 hours of video content