Yoga, the Guṇas, and Polyvagal Audio-Therapy with Dr. S. Porges' Safe and Sound Protocol, by Dr. Ranganathan
Pay a one time cost of $347 or split up payment over two or four months.
New Science backing up Ancient Yoga
Passive, Audio Therapy
By helping to access this calm and grounded state, the SSP promotes a neural platform for health, growth and restoration in patients experiencing the following challenges:
Physical Coordination and Balance Reading and Auditory Processing
Anxiety Inattention and Focus Auditory sensitivities Behavioral Regulation and Resilience
Sleep Speech and Language Social and emotional difficulties Trauma and PTSD Stressors that impact social engagement And many more
Student Agreement
Yoga, the Guṇas, and Polyvagal Theory: Freedom, Determinism and the SSP intervention (Dr. Ranganathan)
How to use this course
Free Resource: Trauma and the Nervous System
Dr. Porges on SSP
Next Steps
Preparing for our first session
A Therapy or Yoga Practice
Arrange our first appointment! (We might use the full time.)
Follow-up appointment
Yoga and Neural Regulation
Yoga Therapy and Polyvagal Theory: The Convergence of Traditional Wisdom and Contemporary Neuroscience for Self-Regulation and Resilience (Marlysa B. Sullivan, Matt Erb, Laura Schmalzl, Steffany Moonaz, Jessica Noggle Taylor and Stephen W. Porges)
Access the SSP for Longer to support Your Neural Revitalization !
Dr. Porges' Teachings
Less is More
Physiological States
Hierarchy and Evolution
Polyvagal Theory
Mammals and the Face and the Heart
Social Engagement
Middle Ear
Human Voice
Hierarchy of Functions
Research and Trials
Comments on Dr. Porges' Theory and Yoga
Dr. Ranganathan, a research leader on Yoga and Trauma has been specially approved to offer the SSP within traditional Yoga Education